Anna Jędruch -30 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I was on the road to alcoholism,
- I have gained energy and willingness to live,
- I was able to come of antidepressants
Ala Sławińska – 30 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Improvement of sleep,
- Elimination of fatigue,
- Gaining energy
Ewa Jeziorska – 23 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I gained energy
- Optimism,
- A sense of attractiveness
Irmina Świętochowska – 33 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- It helped me with curing asthma and shortness of breath,
- Personal development,
- Quitting cigarette addiction.
Katarzyna Czyszek – 11 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Adjustment of blood pressure and cholesterol level
Kasia Sztygowska – 35 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Losing kilograms made it easier for me to get pregnant, something what we have been trying for quite some time
Katarzyna Ziółek – 30 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- TSH normalized despite the hashimoto,
- I was able to stop taking medicine,
- I got rid of depression accompanying me for 25 years
Magdalena Młotek – 49 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I got rid of long-term gastritis,
- I gained energy, smile and confidence.
Małgorzata Majkowska – 36 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Decrease in triglycerides and discontinuation of taking medicine,
- No sleepiness during the day,
- No apnea
Monika Tatarczak – Jankowska – 30 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Discontinuation of drugs for hypertension,
- Restoration of the regular menstrual cycle,
- Depressive states have disappeared
Sylwia Łukasiewicz – Pasiak – 49 kg
Co dał mi Program Przemian:
- I have cured my asthma,
- I gained confidence
Sylwia Wieczorek – 35 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I got rid of the anemia I have been struggling with for years,
- Acne has disappeared
Katarzyna Czochańska – 23.5 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- My cholesterol levels decreased, I don’t have stomach acid problems,
- My legs aren’t swollen, my blood pressure is stable,
- Physical activity comes much easier and I feel an overall improvement of my well-being.
Beata Pniok – 30 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- My sleep improved,
- My body has changed very much, I have more energy,
- My attitude towards life and people has changed.
Violetta Łojko – 22 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I started to believe in myself, and it is a wonderful feeling,
- I am diabetic and for the first time in many years the glucometer shows a result below 100 – full stabilisation,
- I am starting to see my knees and ankles and I am bursting with energy.
Krystyna Grochowalska – 63 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I stopped worrying about apnea, high cholesterol, shortness of breath, cracked heels, heartburn,
- I regained my health and self-confidence,
- My life has turned 180 degrees and now I do things that I was afraid to do before.
Inga Czechowicz – 25 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I am free from night snacking,
- I regained my health,
- I enjoy each and every moment. I can find no words to express my gratitude.
Agnieszka Budzyńska – 26.3 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- The problems with high blood pressure have disappeared,
- I don’t have stomach problems and my digestion is just perfect,
- Sleep problems have ended and I now have incredible deposits of energy.
Urszula Rosinek – 22,8 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- It changed my thinking about myself and my perception of what others think about me,
- It has given me the courage and raised my self-confidence.
- I’m not ashamed of myself anymore.
Justyna Wilk – 36 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I started thinking about myself and my needs,
- I feel better and more attractive,
- I regained my self-confidence.
Justyna Chrzanowska – 32 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I regained my self-belief,
- I started to live a full life,
- my hematologist and endocrinologist are satisfied with my medical test results.
Iza Mika – 23,5 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- My health improved despite the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, thyroid gland problems, hypertension and menopause. I don’t suffer from shortness of breath or excessive perspiration anymore.
- I changed the sedentary lifestyle (it was hard to carry so many kilos around) to more active lifestyle (now I walk a lot as it is easier for me to move).
- My approach to myself has changed. Before, I didn’t even have a mirror at home – I used to get depressed looking at myself… Now I love myself and the wonderful transformation, I have a huge mirror and I constantly smile at my reflection.
Beata Norkiewicz – 25 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Weight loss.
- Walking and climbing stairs became easier.
- Noticeable improvement in medical test results.
Monika Szewczyk – 27 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I’ve learned to love myself again.
- I became more open to others.
- I understood what it means to eat healthy.
Beata Wenerska – 25 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- Great improvement in my well-being, I have more energy.
- I started to look after myself and my body.
- I don’t suffer from shortness of breath and I don’t feel constantly tired anymore.
Małgorzata Hyjek – 33,5 kg
What the Transformation Programme has given me:
- I got rid of most of the complexes.
- I feel lighter, healthier, I go up the stairs without any problems, I fit in clothes that I could have only dreamed about.
- I’m much more confident and I smile more often.